Boost Your Company’s Team Building With Applied Improvisation

We all know the importance of team building to a company’s long term success.

Enhanced communication, deeper trust between employees, better morale and higher productivity… the benefits that come from a connected and supportive team don’t end.

But the only problem is that most team building activities that try to achieve these results are not only ineffective, but painfully DULL.

How many more trust fall sessions with the awkward introductory ice breakers do you have to endure? Especially when your “interesting fact about yourself” is that you hate Oreos… 😤

Well lucky for us there’s something called Applied Improvisation that takes team building to a whole new level.

What Is Applied Improvisation And How Does It Help With Team Building?

Aplied Improv is the art of taking the principles and techniques from the world of theatrical improvisation and using them in business, personal development, and even… team building.

You’ve probably seen the long running, improv comedy TV show Whose Line Is It Anyway? It’s the one where Wayne Brady, Drew Carey, and others make up incredibly funny jokes and skits all on the spot.

Well the same skills that allow these comedians to perform at this high level can also be applied to the workplace. Here are just a few of the benefits of using improv techniques at work:

  • Improved Active Listening: In improv, you have to carefully listen to your partner and respond appropriately. This translates to better communication between employees, thereby creating stronger, more effective teams.

  • Better Collaboration: Improv isn’t about solo performances; it’s about creating something together. Participants quickly learn the best way to work together to develop something much greater than either could on their own.

  • Increased Empathy: Improv exercises often place people in unfamiliar situations or roles, allowing them to understand perspectives different from their own. This leads to increased empathy and understanding within teams.

  • Adaptable Thinking: Improv by its very nature requires you to think on your feet and adapt to new and unexpected situations. This creates more dynamic groups that leads to more creative problem solving.

And on top of all the tangible benefits that Applied Improvisation provides… it’s actually FUN.

There’s no boring powerpoints to sit through or corny team activities that make you want to hide in the bathroom.

Learning these techniques is done through a series of games and exercises where you’ll be working with your coworkers while getting loose, laughing, and generally having a great time. It’ll be easy to forget you’re doing it for your job…

That’s the power of Applied Improv and it’s why our team at Planet Ant has successfully conducted Applied Improv Workshops for hundreds of companies over the last 30+ years.

How Planet Ant Can Help Your Company’s Team Building

Since 1993, the Planet Ant comedy theater has taught thousands of people, including a few you might recognize like Keegan Michael Key [Key and Peele], Tim Robinson [I Think You Should Leave], Sam Richardson [Veep], Marc Evan Jackson [Brooklyn Nine Nine], Nancy Hayden [Detroiters], and Jaime Moyer [Bob’s Burgers].

And while we continue to develop the biggest comedians of tomorrow, we also train companies and organizations both large and small with our Applied Improv Workshops:

Our workshops are completely customizable to fit your needs. Whether you want team building, sales training, public speaking, or anything else… we’ll create and facilitate a custom workshop with games and exercises to get you results. We can travel to your place of work, book a space for you, or even do virtual workshops. Whatever you want, we’ll make it happen.  

And a huge benefit of working with our theater is that we’re a 501c(3) non-profit. All our proceeds go back to the community to continue building a safe, fun, and enriching environment for everyone that comes through our doors.

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